Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lupines,buzzards, and elk

Bumblebees and lupines are perfectly designed for pollination. The bee's weight pushes the cup down and open to access pollen. 

I'm back hiking and biking again. I have lots of distance to make up. The rains in March and April, the statistics class, and a trip to Kodiak all contributed to me not making my 30 mi per week goal. I did between 15 and 25 per week during those months. On  June 22 I completed 30 miles which puts me East of Mountain Home in Idaho. I am going to try to do 40 miles for the rest of the summer. We'll see.
Euchre Creek elk

Buzzard on the beach

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Return to Oregon

A. Bedford 

California Poppies

A jungle of pea vines dwarfing the artichokes

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Chickens and Rhodies co-exist well

Friday, June 8, 2012

Kodiak spring

 Bruce and Joseph Schactler and Jake (Karen Lee's grandson) at the Buskin in Ophien dory.

The first sockeye at Jill's

Waiting for fish to hit

Granddaughters, Eilidh and Bella feeding baby goats at the flats

Bella happy sitting on a Nowegian Fjiord horse.